Substantive law: We teach five subjects during the 1-year Diploma course, each of which is designed to familiarise you with the most important aspects of the English common law system. We place great emphasis on choosing subjects with which you are most likely to come into direct contact in your professional lives, especially commercial law subjects. For further details of the various modules see below.
Legal Skills Portfolio: We teach a range of legal skills during the various substantive law modules. These combine to form a skills portfolio which covers areas that have been identified as being lacking or under-developed amongst young lawyers in Poland. The range of skills includes: Case and Fact Management; Legal Writing; Oral Advocacy and Public Speaking; Mediation; Negotiation; Contract Drafting; Group Work and others.
As a BLC student, you will not only acquire substantive law knowledge and vocabulary, but also a wide range of key skills that help to improve your career prospects.

2023-2024 Diploma Syllabus
Skills portfolio
As a common-law legal system, English law is only as good as the legal practitioners who use it. The BLC diploma is unique in teaching substantive law through the medium of practical legal skills training. During the Diploma course, students develop skills including: case analysis; legal writing; debating; negotiation; advocacy and/or public speaking; mediation; contract drafting; analysing commercial disputes; trial preparation and others.
To monitor individual progress, each student receives a skills’ portfolio to record and analyse the nature of the various skills, the manner in which they were acquired and their personal level of skills-acquisition. The portfolio will be both a means of recording progress and assisting students during interviews at law firms where they can present the skills they acquired during the BLC diploma. Each student’s progress on their skills portfolio is discussed during regular, individual meetings with the BLC’s resident teaching team.
English Legal System
English Legal System
Learn the history, structure and idiosyncrasies of English constitutional law, public law procedure, the different types of laws applicable in the UK, and the structure and role of the different courts.

Legal Skills Component
Develop the skills of effective legal research, fact management, case analysis and oral advocacy, using realistic case scenarios.
Contract Law and Contract Drafting
Contract Law
Learn how a wide range of contracts are negotiated, concluded, implemented, interpreted and breached. Advise clients on a broad scope of contract-orientated disputes, including available remedies.

Legal Skills Component
Criminal Litigation and Practice
Criminal Law
Learn about the English criminal justice system, the rules of evidence and the standard of proof for various criminal offences. Students participate in a simulated criminal trial, taking on the role of the defence/prosecution advocates and witnesses.

Legal Skills Component
The practical legal skills acquired on this module include: case and fact management; statutory interpretation; working with precedents; preparing for trial; witness handling and oral advocacy.
Tort Law
Tort Law
Learn about non-contractual civil obligations, including the nature and application of the duty of care at common law, the basis for the tort of negligence and available remedies.

Legal Skills Component
Develop the practical skills of client interviewing techniques, written advocacy, oral advocacy on non-factual issues (points of law) and analysing relevant precedents.
Trusts Law
Equity and Trusts Law
Learn about trusts and their modern commercial application and use as a civil remedy for misappropriation, and the rules governing the transfer of property interests.

Legal Skills Component
Develop the practical skills of mooting and and transaction negotiating

Substantive Law
Study the most important areas of English law, with particular focus on commercially relevant issues. Familiarise yourself with the most common choice of governing law in international contracts.
Legal Skills
We help you develop a wide-ranging skills portfolio and monitor your progress on an ongoing basis. The skills and experience you acquire will help you stay ahead of the pack in the race for employment.
Learning English law and developing your skills portfolio is about making you more employable. Our entire focus is on helping you achieve your dream career, wherever and whatever it may be.